Another Store Leaves.. TJ Maxx

The list continues to grow. TJ Maxx will be moving from West Dundee to Randall Road. Their new location will be next to Toys R Us, another store that we lost recently.


Anonymous said...

It is a good thing the village trustees put money into the facelift of that stip mall.

The village is not a bank and should never have used taxpayers money to fund such a project. Again, the village is showing poor judgement.

Anonymous said...

Where did you get this information that TJ Maxx is closing? I have not seen anything in the papers.

Anonymous said...

I had heard rumors from a friend. I was in the store on Saturday and asked. The cashier confirmed that they would be moving.
FYI, Saturday morning half of the store was without electricity. The facelift must be for the outside only.

Anonymous said...

Jean, thanks. It's nice to see such hard investigative work done before posting this rumor on your site. Did you ask the "cashier" if they were involved in the decision to move since they are in such a high-ranking position with that company?

Anonymous said...

As most of us know, the employees are the last people to be told.

She also informed me where their new location would be. I hardly think it is a rumor anymore.

Anonymous said...

Why should the decisions of one or two be made to fit the masses?

Our village "leadership" is so far out of touch it makes me ill.

My apologies for coming late to the converfsation if this has already been covered:

Our genius mayor since the tax referendum was not passed at the general election he has made mention that he is going to inact it anyway. He needs to be voted out as soon as possible. He is the main one out of touch.

As for stores closing in Spring Hill Mall. Mainly it's due to the economy as well as Algonquin Commons draw. Again: This is a direct reflection on the one person who has been at the helm of this town the longest. I think that should be hint enough.

Finally: The three items most lacking from our village board; Fiscal responsibility, Open Communication, and Common Sense.

How much have they used their new $125,000.00 from end loader since the purchase. Great Buy. Did they get competitive bids?

Anonymous said...

We are a small community and share responsibility for Spring Hill with Carpentersville. We do not have the revenue of other bigger towns to go out and solicit new business. In fact, we are starting to lose revenue which will make it even harder to spend money to proactively address attracting new business.
It is going to take creativeness as well as aligning with some of our neighbors (which hasn't worked in the past).
Unfortunately it will get worse before it gets better. Commercial Real Estate and in particulary GPP is highly leveraged and will need bailouts in order to not fail.
There will be no dollars coming from the mall owners in the near future. They will be trying to just survive.
Knowing this, as a town there needs to be some strategy to address life without the mall. Wal Mart is just a quick fix. We need to attract businesses willing to use some of the vacant space versus building more on the limited remaining open space.
Just my thoughts...

Anonymous said...

That's right. That would be next to the Super WalMart.