About Us

Dundee Neighbors is a coalition of residents and business owners concerned about the tendency of the Village to give priority to developers over residents.

We feel commercial development is key to preserving our quality of life by providing tax revenue--but shoehorning non-harmonious developments into lots they don't belong sets a bad precedent and deteriorates our quality of life anyway. The reason we want tax revenue is to maintain services; the reason we want services is to preserve our quality of life. 

Allowing destructive development to generate revenue defeats its own purpose, and ignores the public will.

Dundee Neighbors pledges to keep the public informed about development issues, and use every resource available to it to make sure that the people's voice, not just the voice of big-money developers, are heard and respected by our elected officials.


Anonymous said...

We should start looking for candidates to replace those in office - right away! Long time residents with clean backgrounds and civic responsibility are best. After that, the key to success is public awareness. Apathy is best fought with knowledge. If every resident knew what this board did and what a new board would do we'd win by a landslide. The Board counted on our apathy, got just that and steamrolled us. Direct mailings are essential as are lawn 7 window signs. TV & radio are too expensive, but editorials work well! DUNDEE NEIGHBORS shouls have a booth at Heritagefest and solicit contributions and hand out flyers. Just a few thoughts and perhaps a start!

wdundeegold said...

Does Dundeeneighbors have a list of types of business that you approve of? I want to start a business in town, but I don't want to offend anyone. I know the village has a list of businesses that are prohibited, but maybe that isn't extensive enough for neighborly people.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for doing what you are doing. I could not agree more. The site of the proposed Wal-mart is the worst possible use of that land I can imagine. I consider it very disrespectful to our residents, no matter where in the community they live. I tried to access your email, and wonder if it is still current. Please add me to your email list if it is still up and running. Jo Ann
Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Saw this post on Craigslist .
Please, let's DO this .



May 3, 2014 at 2:57 PM