Dundee Neighbors Monthly Meeting!

Friends and Neighbors,

Our block party was a big success--and the question we were most asked was, "What can I do to help?"

The first step is to discuss with each other our vision for the future of West Dundee. We are all Dundee Neighbors!

So join Dundee Neighbors for our village-wide kick-off meeting. We can only succeed if we work together. So this meeting is an opportunity for us all to get together so we can all work together!

What: Dundee Neighbors Monthly Meeting
Where: R Bar's upstairs meeting room (
101 W Main St)
When: Tuesday, October 21st, 7:00p.m.

*We are proud to patronize a local business that stood with us when we opposed Wal-Mart.

*Sorry, we're all on our own for food and drink!*

RSVP by commenting or e-mailing, and please, tell your friends and neighbors!

Dundee Neighbors Block Party - A Success!

Thank you to everybody who came out for our block party last Saturday. Great times and conversation, about the future of our community, were had by all.