

Thank you for checking in on the website. We receive a lot of questions about the lawsuit some families have filed against the Village and Wal-Mart, asking for updates and more information. As it is an on-going legal proceeding, unfortunately we can't really comment too much on it except to say that it is moving forward and we're confident in our case.

People also ask, "How are you paying for it?" We were thankful to find attorneys who represent families and homeowners and understand the limitations of what we, as opposed to megacorporations like Wal-Mart or General Growth Properties, can afford. By sticking together and working together we have been able to stick up for the rule of law and demand that our argument be given a fair hearing--when it wasn't by the Village. It is sad that it had to come to that.

People also ask, "Who are the Dundee Neighbors?" There are a handful of families that got the ball-rolling, but during the Wal-Mart hearings, hundreds of families signed petitions and joined email alert lists in support of our vision of an open government and smart growth policies.

So don't listen to the rumor mongerings and slanderers out there who, out of ideas, are once again falling back on the same tired "NIMBY" argument they used during the Wal-Mart issue. Dundee Neighbors is made up of families with an interest in smart growth and open government issues all over the Village--in the old Dundee, in Tartans Glens, south of 72, you name it. We have knocked doors and talked to folks in every part of town.

That's who we are.

We are all volunteers, not professionals. We're learning as we go, and giving of our spare time to bring some accountability to local government--we'll try to more regularly post here to keep you all updated, and encourage you to engage in dialogue in the comments.

Thank you for visiting! Check back often.


Anonymous said...

I have to think that the Village is paying for legal fees from "our" tax dollars. Is it really smart to file suit against ourselves when we don't have enough money in the budget as it is?

Anonymous said...

That is a good point, however should we just let the village steamroll us because of fiscal irresponsibility and power hungry actions? We asked for additonal time before the village voted on the Walmart issues, and during a meeting with a village trustee we were told to let it pass and then sue the village. So we sued the village, along with Walmart, General Growth Properties and the land owners. To my knowledge the village has not enlisted legal help from the other defendants.

Anonymous said...

Apparently they have filed a motion to dismiss. I think the whole thing is just wrong on so many levels. Who in their right mind would have told you to just let it pass and sue the village?

Dundee Neighbors said...

Doctor No AKA Norm

Anonymous said...

Can you please clarify who exactly your group is supposed to represent? I got one of your newsletters in the mail today, but I live in East Dundee. Your activities seem West Dundee-centric - so shouldn't you call yourselves "West Dundee Neighbors"?