Election Results: Real Estate Tansfer Tax Fails

The referendum on the proposed real estate transfer tax has failed by a nearly two-to-one margin. The wisdom of the people of West Dundee shines! Now we need to harness that wisdom to move our Village in a new direction.

From the Courier-News:

“It’s always a tough sell to raise a tax, but we wanted to let the voters
decide,” Village President Larry Keller said. He said the transfer tax would
have been paid only by newcomers and business people, because any home being
bought by somebody who already lived in West Dundee would have been excluded
from the tax.

For the record, President Keller didn't just "want to" let the voter's decide the real estate transfer tax requires a popular vote.

In other news,

Nominating petition forms for the village president and three open trustee
positions in West Dundee are available at West Dundee Village Hall, 102 S.
Second St.


Anonymous said...

Oh, so this was for WEST Dundee, not EAST Dundee too? Everything I read on the blog says West Dundee...

Anonymous said...

This was a transfer tax for the homes/business in WEST DUNDEE.