Motion to Reconsider Filed

The attorneys representing abutting homeowners (some of us) filed a Motion to Reconsider with the Kane County Court today. We didn't make this decision lightly, but after consulting with our attorneys and other attorneys, we felt this was best course of action. The fact remains that we do not believe the Village enforced its own ordinance, and the we think the Judge may have overlooked some issues that were not addressed in his order. We'll keep you updated as things develop--thank you so much for the support!


Anonymous said...

Why don't you just let it go already. Why is it that people in the neighborhood thought it was ok for Meijer to go in the space? Maybe some of us don't want YOU as neighbors. Live and let live.

Kristin said...

I refuse to let this go and allow the village to steamroll their poor planning and bad ideas on me. You, on the other hand should stop hiding behind Anonymous if you want to stand up for what you believe in.

TJ (I don't need you bothering me) said...

I think the WD voters voiced their opinions already. You seem to like to throw money out the window and most likely will be costing the residents of West Dundee money that we shouldn't have to pay because you can't take decisions made by a judge.

weneedbettergovernment said...

I say go for it!!! Always happy to see people stand up and take action for what they believe. It is always easier to sit and complain (and post negative comments), than it is to actually do something. TJ, to say that WD voters voiced their opinion is ridiculous, MOST DIDN'T EVEN BOTHER TO VOTE!!! And the comment about money.....hilarious!!! Educate yourself man, take a look at where "the residents" money is already going. And also take a look around you, how many empty buildings does the village (and surrounding villages)already have? Do you really think Walmart is going to be the jump start of filling these empty buildings??? Do you really think that Walmart will bring so much to the village that your taxes will go down and your services will improve??? Boy, I bet Santa has you fooled too...

Anonymous said...

Somebody said:

"Why don't you just let it go already. Why is it that people in the neighborhood thought it was ok for Meijer to go in the space? Maybe some of us don't want YOU as neighbors. Live and let live."

I wonder if the person who wrote that is aware of the irony of the last two sentences.

Anita said...

I'm glad this topic isn't finalized with Wal-mart being the winner. Although I shop at Wal-mart, I'm not thrilled with the thought of Wal-mart being just down the street. There is already one 10 minutes from me, and putting another one 10 minutes in the opposite direction is redundant. If traffic on Huntley is going to increase due to this, I would prefer it be for something that brings quality to this area, not discounted goods.

Anonymous said...

GET RID OF JULIE VOSS!!!!!! She is making OUR taxes go UP while getting her family employed at the village!! She has NO political experience except in "other" affairs.