The Dundee Neighbors are Still Here--and Growing!


The Dundee Neighbors have not disappeared--in fact, we're growing!

Obviously, we're dissatisfied with the behavior of the Village during the Wal-Mart issue. When people face possible devastation of their home values, degradation of the community character, and a seriously new direction in planning, the process should be more open then a notice and, two months later, a 24-Hour, 200,000 square foot Supercenter and 30 acres of asphalt. 

No matter how they try to spin it, that is not an open process. We, the residents who will be most impacted, were left scrambling for time to have the materials reviewed, to retain an attorney, and spent literally hundreds of hours making sure the entire village was kept in the know.

That is not an open process and, frankly, the fact that the Village felt no need to inform us that this massive development was coming in before the legally required notice date demonstrates that they knew we wouldn't be happy, and wanted to avoid involving us. Shameful.

But that's not why we're continuing on--we believe in our community. The outpouring of support from every part of the Village has made it clear that there IS support for a new vision and direction for our wonderful little town. 

So we invite you to post a comment, or send an email, letting us know about YOUR ideas for the future of West Dundee--and the kinds of policies YOU would like to see.

Tell us West Dundee--what is on your mind?

Your Friends
The Dundee Neighbors


Anonymous said...

Please, we need to do something as a community. We just fought tooth and nail to see our home tax assessments resolved. That process in itself was nervewracking and frustrating to say the least. The politics in this cute little town are oldschool to say the least and its time for a new generation to move us forward. This "closed club" negotiating on brining superstores such as walmart to "fill" space it rediculous. All this is going to do is take away from the town. We need to FOCUS on our little town and help it grow with small local businesses, grocery stores, restraurants and places where our children can "hang out". We don't need extra taxes. For crying out loud build a parking garage and charge for parking to help the village deficient. That would probably go over better than a superstore. WE DON'T NEED IT! We have a mall you can't even fill, work on that! We have a downtown with more vacant shops than any surrounding village. WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS, Oh ya I forgot, old politics, easy fix and heaven for bid we actually think something through. We love this town and the people that make up this town but serisouly, take another look and let's get real with who we are putting where and get the right people in the right place come this April to help make this town what it is and how spectacular it really can be!

Anonymous said...

People, you can change the way the village operates by exercising your right to vote. Larry Keller will be up for re-election and Joe Cavallero's contract is tied to Larry Keller's term. If you want real change in this village, stop voting for Larry Keller. I am amazed at how many folks carry on about Larry Keller. He holds no power is Joe. The board will do whatever Joe tells them to do. The beautiful thing about America is we, the citizens, have the power of our vote. Use it! Turn the page on this village board and this village manager and let's get some new blood running this town...a board and a village manager that work for us not against us.