What Are They Thinking!?

The Village Board convened a "Committee of the Whole" meeting last night to hear public comment in advance of a Board vote.

We hoped they wouldn't move to a vote immediately--we'd heard from some Trustees that they hadn't seen any of the pertinent information as of last weekend, and there are thousands of pages of documentation to review--but Village Board President Larry Keller said that they couldn't "talk forever" and that it was time for a vote.

Forget talking forever--how about one minute? The Board had no questions for Wal-Mart and discussed nothing among themselves. Forgive us if that doesn't stink of a done deal.

President Keller also told West Dundee to forget their concerns--after all, he has to live across the street from a Starbucks.

The Board of Trustees has been led to believe by some party that they are "powerless", that they must approve this proposal, or else Wal-Mart will come in no matter what because the property is zoned correctly.

Well, no. If they truly care about West Dundee and are truly representing the people, and not Wal-Mart, then there is plenty they can do.

Wal-Mart is requesting a Special Use for a Garden Center and outdoor sales. They do not meet the standard for a Special Use, which are:

1. The establishment, maintenance or operation of the special use will not be
detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, morals, comfort or general
2. The special use will not be injurious to the use and enjoyment
of other property in the immediate vicinity for the purposes already permitted
nor substantially diminish property values within the neighborhood.
3. The
establishment of the special use will not impede the normal and orderly
development and improvement of the surrounding property for uses permitted in
the district.

Wal-Mart is requesting a Special Use to build a "planned unit development" (a multi-piece development, in other words). They fail to meet those standards as well.

The Village can (and should) deny this petition.

It is irresponsible to leave a property with such a high zoning as B-2 with no intended user.

That is handing a black check to developers.

So when you call the Village (Ph: 847.551.3800) to tell them you oppose this development and demand a "No!" vote, don't be fooled.

There you go, Mr. Keller. "Problem" solved.